ADHD Clinic

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Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the most widely researched but also most widely misunderstood disorders.  ADHD is a neurocognitive disorder that presents with notable behaviors and struggles.

ADHD and You

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the most widely researched but also most widely misunderstood disorders.  ADHD is a neurocognitive disorder that presents with notable behaviors and struggles. What does “neurocognitive” mean? It means that it is a brain-based condition and that persons with ADHD have differences in their brain development and brain activity. It is usually first identified in childhood.

It is a condition that usually affects people across their lifespan in different ways. Some people do not experience these challenges until later in adolescence or adulthood, making identifying ADHD challenging.  Sitting down with a professional to discuss your current and past struggles with things like focus, organization, relationships, and school can help identify if a person may have ADHD.

Why ADHD Matters

People with undiagnosed ADHD often report that they feel their efforts in life don’t pay off in the same way as people without ADHD. They often find that they spend a lot of effort and time trying to reach goals that their peers may get quite easier. This is shown in grades, time spent doing homework, and efficiency in the workplace. People with ADHD often struggle to initiate new tasks or with completing assignments or projects. They find they spend greater time studying or processing information than others. Untreated ADHD can also affect one’s self-esteem. People will sometimes grow up feeling that they can’t reach their full potential or that they would achieve more if they just tried harder. As a result of these feelings, people can develop anxiety and depression as secondary conditions to undiagnosed ADHD.

What Help is Available?

Thankfully, treatment for ADHD is available and most people benefit from a combination of treatments. Education, behavioral therapy, and accommodations are all important parts of a comprehensive ADHD treatment plan. Medication for ADHD can also be an important part of your treatment as well. ADHD medications are some of the most widely researched and well-understood psychiatric medications. Take your first step today in understanding if ADHD may be affecting your life by calling our office and mentioning that you are interested in knowing if you have ADHD.